Wasting Worth

"The Good Lord isn't interested in fist fighting or gun fighting, He wants a man to be big inside. You see, Fighting is like making more money than you need. The both are mighty low occupations. You can tell what the Lord thinks about it. A Fighter's flesh goes to feeding the worms, and money often goes to worthless heirs." ~ Wyatt Earp, played by Hugh O'Brian, actor Ep.59, 1957

When you don't understand WORTH, you end up WASTING it! In Hophni and Phinehas they did not recognize WORTH. In them we see two kinds of opposition to the things or aspects of God.

Hophni means: there is the fighter (pugilist [pyoo-juh-list]), the one who is argumentative and contrary in their legalism. In the world, they can be seen, in some sense, like the frustrated perfectionist who when they can't do things in the exact way that they desire they clutter things in a room and close the door.

A. Phinehas means: there is the brazen and harsh who speak with loudness and force and intensity. They can identify with being on the wrong side of the tracks. It's as if it becomes their identifier. In their minds, their start determines their finish.

B. Due to WASTING WORTH Both Hophni and Phinehas ended up despising the offering of the Lord[10]. The Lord tells us: Luke 21:34, “Be on guard, that your hearts may not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day come on you suddenly like a trap.”

C. Something they were unsuccessful in doing. Realize that both Hophni and Phinehas were in such Opposition to God that He sought to kill them. 1 Samuel 2:25 (NASB), "If one man sins against another, God will mediate for him; but if a man sins against the Lord, who can intercede for him?" But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for the Lord DESIRED to PUT THEM TO DEATH.

D. No offering covers their SIN except their own blood. How about you, are you WASTING WORTH? It can happen a little at a time. What determines WORTH? God and His WORD! Let us take on God's WORTH, so we stop Wasting Worth.

Ted Blumberg

Pastor Ted Blumberg first accepted Jesus as his personal Savior on January 6th, 1975 at a James Robinson crusade. For a number of years, he was involved in his local church and began learning the basics of the Bible.  

But it wasn't until 1989 that he embraced the call to ministry on his life. (The same year he married his wife, Jenny.) At this time, they fully committed to answering the call on their life by moving to Dallas, TX and attending Christ for the Nations Institute together. Pastor Ted received a degree in Practical Theology in 1992. He accepted his first pastoring job in Melbourne, FL in 1994 at Freedom Christian Center where he served as the Associate Pastor for several years. He also served as Pastor of Family Ministries at a local church in East Tennessee. 

Since then, Pastor Ted has continued to serve God's people in many ways such as marriage counseling, mentoring and teaching the Word of God every chance he gets. Recently, Pastor Ted answered God's latest calling by writing down the principles he's been taught and publishing his first book, The Principles of God, Vol. 1.


Let There Be Light