
Bryan Warren

Worship Leader and Lead Pastor of Tri-City Worship Church

The worship team exists to edify and encourage the body of Christ within this church as a part of the helps ministry (1 Cor 12:28). Our goal is to praise and worship God, not just in meetings but with ‘our lives so that the words of our mouth and meditations of our heart’ are acceptable to the Lord (Ps 19:14). Within a meeting, the goal is to bring the congregation into the presence of God (2 Chron 7:1,2; 1 Peter 2:5) and set the stage for the preaching of the Word of God with the ultimate goal of changing lives into the image of God (Rom 12:1,2; 2 Cor 3:18). Music is a tool for achieving this purpose.

Pastor Bryan Warren is more than just an ordinary “Worship Leader”. He is a lead worshiper who recognizes the true impact that intimate worship can have on an individual and the church body as a whole. He has witnessed this impact throughout his ministry starting as a child traveling and singing with his family and to now being the Lead Pastor of Tri-City Worship Church in Kingsport Tennessee.

Training under worshippers such as Lindell Cooley of the Brownsville Revival, Cindy Cruse of Lakewood Church, Joe & Becky Cruse, directors of Worship Works International, Bishop Lamont Rich and Pastor Rick Shelton of Life Christian Church, and Jacque Deshetler of Joyce Meyer Ministries.

He has had the honor of leading people into God’s presence all over the world. His travels have included South Africa, Japan, Philippines, and Australia. He has recorded four albums with a group called Tender Heart, which was formed with his brother, Eric and sister, Sonya, he is a published song writer with Integrity, with his song “The Oceans” being released on the most recent Deluge album, and has been a vessel to usher in the presence of God with great ministers such as Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen at Lakewood Church.

More than individual expertise, Pastor Bryan’s musical goal is to have the ability to “flow” with the entire team. He believes that the worship team needs to be looked at as not just a collection of separate musicians and singers, but as a single unit with a single purpose. He strongly believes that the heart attitude should not look for a platform to showcase talent, but to use that talent to enhance the team as a whole. Worship ministry is a team effort. Being the in the worship ministry is an opportunity for those involved to draw closer to God and to help those they lead to do the same. This is only achieved when the team works, performs, and worships as a team.