He Chose Us

Ephesians 1:3-4, "3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love." ~ (NASB)

Did you Chose God? Or did He Chose us? This is NOT meant to be pejorative, for the point of difference is God Chose us. Without Him Choosing us, whether we Chose Him or not would be of little concern, but because He Chose us AND we Chose Him, the miraculous happen and Continue to happen in our lives!

Because He He Chose us, we received Faith, Faith that allows us to BELIEVE.

When we are having trouble BELIEVING, it is because we have been letting the Devil steal from us that WE are Chosen by God. When the Devil steals that, he steals our FAITH.

Let us all purpose together to remember that the difference maker is, He Chose us.

Ted Blumberg

Pastor Ted Blumberg first accepted Jesus as his personal Savior on January 6th, 1975 at a James Robinson crusade. For a number of years, he was involved in his local church and began learning the basics of the Bible.  

But it wasn't until 1989 that he embraced the call to ministry on his life. (The same year he married his wife, Jenny.) At this time, they fully committed to answering the call on their life by moving to Dallas, TX and attending Christ for the Nations Institute together. Pastor Ted received a degree in Practical Theology in 1992. He accepted his first pastoring job in Melbourne, FL in 1994 at Freedom Christian Center where he served as the Associate Pastor for several years. He also served as Pastor of Family Ministries at a local church in East Tennessee. 

Since then, Pastor Ted has continued to serve God's people in many ways such as marriage counseling, mentoring and teaching the Word of God every chance he gets. Recently, Pastor Ted answered God's latest calling by writing down the principles he's been taught and publishing his first book, The Principles of God, Vol. 1.


Church Attender Faith


Can We Know?