Tri-City Worship Church

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Church Attender Faith

17 Then Daniel went to his house and informed his friends, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah, about the matter, 18 so that they might request COMPASSION from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that Daniel and his friends would not be DESTROYED with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. 19 THEN the mystery was REVEALED to Daniel in a NIGHT VISION. THEN Daniel BLESSED the God of heaven; - Daniel 2:17-19 (NASB)

Do you have Church Attender Faith? Do you survive with a Church Attender's Faith? This isn't a critical statement, but an observation that up until this point in time one could more or less negotiate their way into heaven on a Church Attender Faith.

Churches would generally provide some opportunities for education, learning, community, fellowship, or support for the challenging seasons in your life. Probably provide some input for your kids. If you just had Church Attender Faith you'd be okay.

You could communicate, to others, your salvational eternity by where you go to church. That would work for the season we've been in, but that is about to change.

Daniel needed to be more than a person of God. For, their were many people of God who were in jeopardy. He had to be more than just one COUNTED IN the FAITH community. IN the new season which we are all about to enter will require more from us than Church Attender Faith.

What would it mean for you and I, if we lived our lives in a RELATIONSHIP with the CREATOR of Heaven and Earth? Let us enter fully into that RELATIONSHIP with God and change the paradigm of our Church into Miraculous Faith from Church Attender Faith.